lol i love the shit u guys make.
i gave the score OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
i would join ur forums but no ty i have some of my own to tend to. good luck with ur forumzes
lol i love the shit u guys make.
i gave the score OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
i would join ur forums but no ty i have some of my own to tend to. good luck with ur forumzes
seriously its fucking great. i love the constant fun you put in. the penis stuff was tasteless but you really made fun of this ani good!! <3
the parts that werent exactly and cronologically copied from metal gear awesome werent well made. not that bad...
bloody chainsaw you have no life. get a sense of humor. the reason they do this is to get really funny reviews from queers who get pissed off over nothing.
nice trick guys. funny!
i sorta liked it. mr awesome doesnt seem to be that creative of a name before. its probably been done thousands of times. :P
and the text was from spiderman at the end... noticed that. you cant draw text?
It's called Homorahkn
that indeed was crap
it was crap.
do you think you can do that and get positive reviews? can you really blame him for saying that?
we dont need any spammers on this portal. youre wasting your time and everyone elses.
I laugh at your review with the cries of a thousand germans.
Ho ho ho ho ho ho, stop.
Thankyou for the review.
CSS and powerman need to stfu. its way different than the other flash. this one was drawn. the other one was sprited. i loved this one. this one was fuking hilarious on so many different levels!
i loved it. especially the faces, (i voted to protect it in judgement cuz its leet leik that)
great job!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could put humor above 10.
not bad
its pretty good!!
all you have to do is make the speech last a little less long, work on your movements a little, how choppy your movements are, and probably when they speak, you may want to put a playbutton to just continue manually. its less boring like that. :D
good job i really liked it!!!
btw some parts were real funny!
and lol fivepoint, there have been much better stk movies. trust me.
yeh im really sorry about the speech. for some reason the movie slowed down alot... I dunno why
Age 34, Agender
East stroudsburg, PA
Joined on 5/15/07